Wednesday 18 February 2009


Lets begin this blog with the name of god (Allah) and hello to everyone. This blog was created by me so that I can speak out my opinion, giving information, and also tells some stories about the diary of my life. Even though before this I already had my blog but because of the lack of objective and direction in my previous blog, I decided to create this new blog.

By this I hope that this blog could realize my objective like people always said that we must always shoot at the moon but if we miss our target we might end up lies among the stars. The name of this blog is ‘Knowledge is Power’, thus hopefully I can share my knowledge and my thought through this beginner blog that I created. Well hopefully by sharing information and knowledge between all of us we can always be prepared in any situations.

Knowledge covered up a very large field and scope, therefore we as a human being it is compulsory for us to study and find knowledge to improve ourselves. Mastering the knowledge of life must be parallel with our capability to master the after life knowledge as well. Only by these we can be a real good thinker and always make an excellent decision in our judgment. In this blog I will try to provide various of information, knowledge and opinion so that we can observe certain issues and problems with larger perspective.

Until here for the introduction of my blog ‘Knowledge is Power’ and may be if I am bored I will share also with some of the new stuff I have done like travelling, working, seminar or marriage. My last word for this post is I wish that may only the best happen to me, my family, my friends and all the peoples live in this world.

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